Modernfold Homer Township Library

Brian Watson, president of Modernfold Chicago, visited the Homer Township Library to talk about Modernfold Acousti-Seal Premiere Automated Systems and Modernfold Presto package.


Good morning. Brian Watson with Modernfold Chicago. Today I’m here at Homer Township Library where we have a Modernfold Acousti-Seal Premier Automated System installed. It’s fully integrated for one touch operation with the Mondernfold Presto package. The Premier product line is offered in a variety of finishes. Today the library selected a wood woodgrain finish with full height and width window cutouts fully glazed in the factory with Modernfold custom wood trim window kits.

The library opted for glazing for a few reasons to let as much transparent daylight into their programming room as possible as well as a safety feature to be able to keep an eye on the occupants inside of the room at all times. As part of Modernfold’s Presto package, we have a single control station, which is a touch screen to enter. We’re going to have to enter our password for demonstration purposes, we have one, two, three, four. You’ll be prompted with a safety warning to accept the potential risks and this will allow you to operate, extend, or retract the partition with single-touch momentary operation.

The first safety system is a motion sensor, which will detect any motion within 8 feet of the centerline of the partition in either direction. If motion is detected, it will immediately stop operation of the partition. You see the wall is in operation. Once the safety sensors are triggered, it will automatically stop the partition. The second safety feature is a pressure-sensitive leading edge nose on the first panel of the partition. Should that panel encounter any obstructions during operation, power will immediately stop the partition. The last safety feature is a pressure sensitive mat located within the stacking area. If there are any more than five pounds of pressure applied to this mat, power will not be supplied to the motor and will not operate.